Truth behind the Redneck Mansion....

Truth behind the Redneck Mansion....

Looks like Redneck heaven right? Well you’ll never guess what it really is… Visit site for more.

Top 10 Girls with Guns

Top 10 Girls with Guns

Looks like Redneck heaven right? Well you’ll never guess what it really is…

Welcome to redneckstupid

Rednecks sure come up with some brilliant ideas.. Most of the time..
A photograph of an intriguing and unusual “collection” of stacked caravans (trailers) is currently circulating social media.


Rednecks to the Rescue. 'Redneck Army' rescues Nat'l. Guard from Harvey Flood Waters


Rednecks to the Rescue. 'Redneck Army' rescues Nat'l. Guard from Harvey Flood Waters

Truth behind the Redneck Mansion..

Funny, Random

Truth behind the Redneck Mansion..

Redneck Ingenuity...

Funny, Redneck Inventions

Redneck Ingenuity...

DIY Easy Camo Paint Job


DIY Easy Camo Paint Job

REDNECK Swiss Army Knife

Funny, Redneck Inventions

REDNECK Swiss Army Knife

Redneck Fix!!!


Redneck Fix!!!