DIY 12th March 2015 DIY REDNECK GOLF – Awesome Party Game How to build and play Redneck Golf, Visit site for more.
Funny, Redneck Inventions 12th March 2015 Redneck Leaf Blower Ultimate leaf blower, see me in action!
DIY 11th March 2015 No more nagging from the wife to take my mud boots off! These are galoshes – of sorts. I use them for wearing inside on the outside of my Mud boots, no longer having to fuss with taking my boots off or listing to the wife nag every time I go inside for a tool, a beer, or to use the john…
DIY 11th March 2015 How one “might” make a still… For distilling water of coarse… This contribution tells you how to distill liquids in your own kitchen. Maybe for illegal liquor, maybe for purifying water..